Today, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador will announce who will be the new Supreme Court Chief Justice, after none of his proposals obtained a qualified 2/3 majority in the Senate.

The methodology created in Mexico City for the search for missing persons contemplates a single database and periods in which the corresponding data will be updated. Based on this, the Mexican government reported that of the 110,964 missing person cases registered, 16,681 persons were located; 17,843 have been identified; 62,112 case files do not have sufficient data for their identification; 1,951 are duplicate registries, and 12,377 individuals are confirmed as missing. “No records have been or will be deleted,” said Minister of the Interior Luisa Alcalde. Each month, progress in locating missing persons will be reported.

Tomorrow, December 15, the President will inaugurate the Campeche-Cancun section of the Maya Train and on December 18 he will preside over the ceremony launching of the Santa María dam, in Sinaloa. On December 21, the President will inaugurate the first stage of the Agua Saludable aqueduct for the Laguna region and the following day he will inaugurate the Isthmus Train. “It is very likely that on the 26th we will inaugurate Mexicana (de Aviación),” López Onrador said.

LEER MÁS:  Comando secuestra al alcalde electo de Frontera Comalapa, Chiapas

The Internet for All program reports a 94.7% advance in the construction of infrastructure to provide connectivity throughout the country. There are 87,704 free internet hot spots in Mexico. Internet para el Bienestar already provides low-cost service in more than 16,000 villages where there was no Internet signal; its coverage is used by more than 10 million people. Details of receiving the service can be obtained through

The head of the Executive Branch denounced Judge Adriana Vega Marroquín for granting a provisional suspension in favor of Raúl Ramírez Castañeda, Special Prosecutor in the Fight against Corruption in Tamaulipas, so that the state congress could suspend his removal from office. Previously, she had protected former governor García Cabeza de Vaca by cancelling an arrest warrant against him. Due to cases such as this one, López Obrador reiterated that there is no alternative but the democratic method to reform the Judicial Branch.

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