In the final stretch of his administration’s term in office, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said that he is very pleased for having laid the foundations for country’s transformation, since a change of consciousness and mentality in the Mexican people was achieved. He also noted that his administration has reduced poverty and inequality as never before, thanks to the Well-Being programs.

The President reaffirmed that Mexico maintains its demand that Ecuador apologize for the invasion of the country’s embassy in Quito, since it was a clear violation of sovereignty and the right to asylum. In addition, the complaint filed before the International Court of Justice not only seeks to sanction Ecuador, but also to establish a procedure to expel those nations that violate the sovereignty of others from the UN.

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President López Obrador announced that his final state of the nation report, to be presented on September 1, will be delivered in the capital’s Zócalo square with a message to the Mexican people. From September 2 to 14, the President will tour the 23 states that participate in the IMSS Bienestar health-care program.

As of April 30, 2024, the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) has 22,374,202 affiliates employed in formal jobs (86% are permanent and 14% are temporary). The average salary is 578 pesos (US$34.19) per day.

IMSS General Director Zoé Robledo reported that as of May 16, 5,774 general practitioners will be assigned to 3,651 health-care centers so that each unit has two general practitioners on call, seven days a week in two shifts. Ain addition, 1,884 specialized doctors will be employed in 211 IMSS Bienestar hospitals located in highly or very highly marginalized areas.

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IMSS Bienestar has issued a call for the hiring of 5,799 specialized nurses required in 25 states. Registration will be available from May 9 to 31 at