Morning Presidential Press Conference – Friday – August 4, 2023

Summary of the main points in President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador’s daily press conference

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador defended his right to freedom of expression against the legal strategy of the opposition, which through the Federal Electoral Tribunal and National Electoral Institute (INE), seeks to censor him. He said he will not remain silent in the face of the attempt of a gang of corrupt pimps who want to return to power to plunder the country.

The President ruled out influencing the elections and clarified that he is only highlighting the reality, namely that the conservative block is against the country’s transformation. He reiterated that he has the obligation to warn the population and he will do so because he defends the people’s interests.

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President López Obrador announced that, as of Tuesday, August 8, Minister of Public Education Leticia Ramírez will offer evening conferences, from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm, to inform the public about the content of the new free textbooks, in order to avoid the manipulation surrounding the issue circulated by the corporate-influenced media.

President López Obrador highlighted Mexico City’s public security policy that has achieved a reduction in crimes such as intentional homicide, which fell 44% between 2019 and 2022, or non-violent vehicle theft, which declined 47% in the same period. The President emphasized that attending to the causes that spur violence, such as through the application of social programs, has been the great ally in lowering crime rates.