President Andrés Manuel López Obrador announced that a thousand “servidores de la nación” social workers have arrived in Acapulco and that this Friday they will begin conducting the census to assist the families affected by Hurricane Otis. He indicated that 10,000 packages of household appliances are available that will be delivered directly to the affected population.

President López Obrador announced the measures taken after the passing of Hurricane Otis, among which he highlighted the regulation of access to Acapulco in order to facilitate rescue efforts. Yesterday, 150 buses evacuated tourists from the area and today 120 buses are expected to join this effort.

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The head of the Ministry of National Defense (SEDENA), Luis Cresencio Sandoval, reported that an air bridge was set up at the Acapulco Airport. It will allow for daytime flights from and to the port city for commercial airlines to evacuate tourists and bring in doctors.

The President highlighted the importance of gathering hurricane relief supplies in Chilpancingo to avoid saturating the highway to Acapulco. He issued a call to send assistance through the ministries of the Navy and National Defense.

A meeting will be held today, at 17:00 hours, between the National Banking and Securities Commission, Banobras, and the Treasury to draft a proposal to support Acapulco’s tourism sector. «Let’s not leave Acapulco until it is restored and returns to normal,» the President said.

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