President Andrés Manuel López Obrador characterized as illegal the work stoppage by more than 55,000 employees of the judicial branch, who reject the administration’s Judicial Reform. However, he said that the work stoppage could be positive, because it guarantees that judges will not be able to free organized crime or white collar criminals. “The only thing that worries me is that they have a pending case involving 25 billion pesos (US$1.32 billion) (the Salinas Pliego affair) that I would like them to follow up on, but otherwise nothing will happen,” he said.
Minister of the Interior Luisa María Alcalde presented a summary of what the Judicial Reform entails:
-A democratic method for the election of justices and judges.
-Creation of a body to oversee judges’ performance.
-Evaluation of judges’ performance.
-Austerity and transparency in the judicial branch of government.
The President called on the country’s five richest people to give their opinion on the call issued by business organizations to violate the Constitution in the allocation of proportional representation seats in Congress. He questioned why these organizations -to which they belong- are calling for the Constitution to be violated. “Is that ethically correct?” he asked.
Minister of Security and Citizen Protection Rosa Icela Rodríguez reported that in July 2024, federal crimes were down 24.8% compared to December 2018. Intentional homicides decreased 18%, compared to July 2018.
During the presentation of the Zero Impunity report, Deputy Minister of Security Luis Rodríguez Bucio denounced Judge José Gabriel Ramírez Montaño for attempting to absolve Juan Antonio N and two other suspects of the crime of attempted femicide against saxophonist María Elena Ríos.