During his final press conference, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said he was very proud that his administration attended to, listened to and respected everyone. He emphasized that the principle of “for the good of all, the poor come first” was put into practice, which made it possible to reduce poverty rates in the country.

Final results report:

-2.24 million formal jobs were created during the presidential administration. The average salary of a worker enrolled in the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) is 17,691 pesos (US$902) per month.

-Labor informality was reduced 2.25%, declining from 56.5 in 2018 to 54.3 in 2024.

-The minimum wage increased 110% during the outgoing presidential administration.

-The peso remained the second strongest currency in the world against the dollar. No devaluations occurred.

-Tax write-offs were cancelled, achieving savings of over 530.65 billion pesos (US$27 billion).

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-Historic records were set in Foreign Direct Investment (31.10 billion pesos (US$1.59 billion) at the second quarter of 2024).

-Mexico is the United States’ largest trade partner and is ranked 12th worldwide.

-9.5 million people were lifted out of poverty.

-Investment in Well-being Programs reached 2.73 trillion pesos (US$130 billion).

-Federal crimes were reduced 29.4%; homicides fell 19.7%; femicides were down 41.6%, and kidnappings decreased 74.1%. The fight against fuel theft resulted in savings of more than 342.93 billion pesos ($17.48 billion).

“Power is also humbleness. We have made progress because we have not allowed corruption,” concluded the President.

President López Obrador signed the decrees to publish the constitutional reforms regarding the National Guard and the rights of indigenous and Afro-Mexican peoples in the federal government’s Official Gazette.

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The Mexican government is attending to the victims of Hurricane John in Acapulco, Guerrero. The emergency plans of the Navy, Ministry of National Defense, and National Guard remain in place. “The census has already begun to deliver direct support to close to 15,000 affected households,” the President said.

López Obrador welcomed President-elect Claudia Sheinbaum’s decision to continue with the morning press conferences at the National Palace. “She will do very well, as our country deserves,” he said.