According to the latest Enkoll opinion poll, 77% of Mexicans approve of the work of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador. The survey also revealed that:

-68% of those polled consider López Obrador to have been the country’s best president, compared to 6% for Vicente Fox; 5% for Enrique Peña, 4% for Felipe Calderón, and 3% for Ernesto Zedillo.

-77% agree with the government’s actions over the past six years.

-An average rating of 8.2 is given to López Obrador’s performance in office.

-76% agree with the Fourth Transformation.

President López Obrador reiterated that the Ayotzinapa case is not closed and that the investigation will continue. He shared the content of the letter he sent to the mothers and fathers of the missing teacher training college students, in which he explains the efforts undertaken by his government to clarify what occurred. “I assure you that we will never confine this just and humane mission to oblivion,” he said.

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The President clarified that the differences with the Government of Spain do not involve the Spanish people, since it is an issue that concerns the Monarchy. The Mexican government has asked the Spanish crown for a respectful apology to the native peoples of the country for what occurred during the colonization, but there was no response to the request.

President López Obrador reported that the Vulcan Materials extraction plant in Quintana Roo was declared a Natural Protected Area to prevent further destruction of the land. “There is no way we will not protect our natural resources,” he explained.

In the Who’s Who in Lies segment it was reported that:

-It is false that Minister of Finance Rogelio Ramírez de la O resigned.

-It is not true that the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) eliminated the payment of electricity bills at ATMs.

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-It is false that there was going to be a power outage on September 19 in northern Mexican states. The CFE clarified that no massive blackout was programmed.

-Former President Ernesto Zedillo was denounced for claiming that the reduction in poverty during López Obrador administration is due to remittances and deaths from the Covid19 pandemic. The World Bank stated that the decrease in poverty is due to wage policies, social programs, remittances, and foreign investment.